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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dripped Flowers

 One of the first "liberated" paintings I did was an exercise from an online class I was taking at the time.
I dripped watercolor paints at the top of a sketchbook page and let them run down.  After the paint was dry I used  black art pens (in this case, Sakura Micron Pens)  to find flowers, stems, and leaves amongst the drips.  I have done several others, but like this one the best so far.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Also pre-liberation...

Copied from a how to draw lesson

This was to be a life like painting of a water lily.  When it started looking like anything but a water lily I got frustrated and started to just throw brush strokes on the canvas (I guess ind of like scribbling over a mistake), then i realized that it looked pretty good as an abstract, so I added a few more strokes, and voila!

More Pre-Liberation Art

Posting some more of my pre-liberation work.  As you can see All were done in pencil.  I was too afraid of making a mistake and having to start over.  I have since learned not to be afraid to make mistakes.  Now I do a lot of drawing with art pens and if I make a mistake I just make it work in the drawing.  Its very freeing to not have to worry about exactness.


After having all but given up on creating art I have finally found my niche.  Years ago I started drawing these crazy abstract things, but had no idea about what to do with them after they were done.  A month or so ago, I came across Alisa Burke's blog.  I was in hog heaven.  I realized that you DON'T have to color inside the lines, (hence the name of this blog) and I don't have to make everything look life-like.  I felt so liberated.  It was amazing!  I have taken a couple of her classes, and plan on taking more in the future.  Join me as I go from the life of a stunted and rigid artist to one who is liberated and free to create as she wishes.  After all, that is what art is all about isn't it?  Interpretation, Inspiration, and Liberation.